Friday, September 14, 2012

Day Two-Still Fun

We started bright and early today – butts in seats at 8am.  As the woman sitting next to us said, ”This is like being a 5 year old at Christmas – you just can’t wait for the next thing”.  And she doesn’t even have a rig yet.  Yes, we’re those obnoxious teacher’s pets sitting in the front row, hanging on every word, taking copious notes and asking questions.   It’s not all fun and games however. 
 Yesterday there was a long presentation on fire safety, the many ways a rig fire can start, the many combustibles, the short escape time and limited escape routes.  Statistics on fires, deaths and destruction were sobering.  Not to mention smoke detectors, propane detectors and carbon monoxide detectors and at least 5 fire extinguishers.  The good news is that with the right stuff, some planning and practicing, fire is less likely and probably survivable.   

Today the sobering lesson was on knowing the weight limits for towing, loading and tires and the catastrophes that occur with unbalanced, overloaded rigs and badly pressurized tires.  More destruction and possible deaths.  Luckily, we can get the rig weighed and get guidance on loading before we leave the rally.  Once again – catastrophe averted – hopefully.
We had a more in-depth talk about black and grey water today, along with some discussion of that vital topic – toilet paper.   Prior to BootCamp, we had been told that any “septic safe” toilet paper was RV safe and had purchased and used accordingly.  Not true!  Oy vey!  If we have the wrong tp it will clump in the bottom of the black water tank and clog the system.  Apparently service centers willing to unclog one’s black water tank are few and far between.  This could be bad.  After class we ran back to the rig and tested our tp immediately.  You’re dying to know how to test toilet paper, right????  I know you are.  Well, you put a few sheets of tp in a jar about 1/3 full of water.  Cover the jar tightly and shake the jar for about 20 seconds.  Safe tp dissolves into tiny shreds.  Unsafe tp stays in sheets.
Dinner Topic
On a similar topic – as we were getting ready to head to class this morning, Robin said, “I smell poop”.  Yikes! – black water malfunction???  Just then Beanie (the cat) scraped a few times and left the covered litter box.  Whew.  A quick kitty litter scoop solved that poop issue.  

Before we leave this topic, you should know that I took some photos of our grey/black water dumping system with the Ipad so I can take the photos to dinner tonight and get guidance on how to use it properly.  Only at RV BootCamp  can you discuss poop over dinner.

And the good news….our tp is safe.  Whee!


  1. When the kids were younger poop was a regular topic at our dinner table, Leif being a sewer foreman and I was working in the ICU at the time. If they had friends joining us for dinner they would beg us not to tell any poop stories while their friends were over.

    1. And i was so sure we were the only ones being so graphic!!

  2. love it Ruth! Nice to have something to hold over your kids' heads,
