Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Escape 2015-2016

Day 3 was a bit of an adventure.  We had a short drive, just 200 miles to Catoosa, OK, just outside of Tulsa.  This was to be our last night in a hotel before dewinterizing and moving into Chuck.  We called ahead to the La Quinta in Catoosa and they assured us that they welcomed pets and had ample room to park Chuck.  They were half right.  Our GPS took us down some narrow winding streets to the entrance, the skinny, curvy entrance, to the La Quinta.  No sign of that ample parking and not an easy in.  We went around the block to the other entrance and it didn’t look any better.  We were on a busy street and in no position to debate out options so we headed around a bunch of blocks while we discussed.

Fortuitously, there was a Hard Rock Casino directly across the street from the LaQuinta, so we approached again and this time took a left and headed into the casino, following the signs to, of all things, “RV Parking”.  The parking gods were with us again.  The lot was HUGE and empty.  Carrying our Hard Rock players cards (acquired in Las Vegas but they don’t care), we went in and asked permission and they cheerfully agreed that we could park Chuck in their lot overnight. Yippee.  

We unhooked, loaded the cats into the car and drove across the street where the LaQuinta welcomed us with open arms and treat bags for Nortie and Beanie.  We settled in and starting discussing food options.  Next to sleeping and parking is eating.  The Navigator identified 2 options, a highly rated burger diner nearby and a barbecue place about 10 miles down the road in Broken Arrow.  We opted for close, only to find that Flo’s Burgers closes at 2:30 on Tuesday.  Off to Broken Arrow. and Smokie’s Barbecue.  The address?  5051 KENOSHA ST.  Yes, a street named for our hometown in Broken Arrow, OK!  We exited the turnpike (aka tollway - $0.85 each way) at Kenosha St. and headed east searching out addresses trying to find Smokies.  On one side of the street the numbers were 20093 and up, the other side was 5000 and up.  It’s a busy street and the numbers were flashing by too fast to read with traffic close on our tail.  Finally the navigator (now Toad Driver) said, “I’m sick of this *sshole on my tail, I’m pulling in here” and swung into a drive.  (Cue the chorus of angels here)  There, in front of us was Smokie’s Barbecue!  Whee!

Too much great barbecue and few beers later, we were out of there.  Oh yeah, another fun coincidence, our waitress's grandparents lived in Delavan, WI and she visited there frequently as a child.  We’ve had a good night’s sleep in the LaQuinta and on to Oklahoma City today.

Photos will have to wait until the Navigator gets out of the shower.

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