Saturday, April 13, 2013


…is oops spelled backwards, and we hope we’ve reversed our unlucky/inept trend.

After dropping the iPad (really Beanie knocked it on the floor but we try not to point fingers here in Chuck) and jamming a slide, we took a day off to tour more of the hill country including Fredericksburg, where we stumbled upon Der Kuchen Laden  quite possibly the best kitchen supply store I’ve ever seen in North America…and I’ve seen a few.   Robin was circling the block waiting for me so I had to shop fast and despite the fact that I used to swear I don’t need any more kitchen stuff, outfitting Chuck has opened up new opportunities.  $50 and 20 minutes later I was done, and it’s well worth a visit if you’re in the area.

Thursday we girded our loins to try to fix the iPad.  Many on-line posts tout successes using guitar picks, jeweler’s screwdrivers and hairdryers.  We had none of those things but improvised and patiently worked away for about 2 hours until……

….crack!  Yep, cracked the screen.  Much dismay, sadness and depression.  More wine!  A quick search showed an Apple store in San Antonio, about 50 miles from our next stop so we made a plan, went for a bike ride, had a nice dinner and called it a night.

seen on our bike ride...he put his ears back and threatened to spit if we got any closer...llama drama

Dinner cooking at the old homestead

Friday at the crack of noon we left Blanco State Park.  It’s a lovely park and we hated to leave but the state parks fill up on the weekends and we hadn’t reserved it early enough to stay any longer.  Happily the damaged slide slid in without a problem.  That was a good omen.   

Chuck crossing the skinny little bridge leaving Blanco State Park

We drove about 90 miles southwest to a great private park in Kerrville, TX.  We have a riverfront doublewide site and are here for at least 3 nights.  

So after setting up Friday afternoon, we headed into San Antonio and the Apple store. 


 With much trepidation we approached the 12 year old tech (ok, she was probably older, but really, these are children working there), shamefacedly opened the case, showed her the cracked/shattered screen and, with quaver in our voice asked, “we had an oops, what are our options?”.  “Oh, no problem” she said, “we can replace it for $250”.  “The whole thing?”   “Yes, identical”.  Wow, that was pretty good.  Actually, really good.  Sure, it was $250 we hated to spend, but much better than buying a brand new one.  Somewhere Apple has a secret stash of 2nd generation, probably refurbished iPads that they sell you when you break yours.  In 30 minutes we had re-created the old one using the iCloud and were out the door to a celebratory dinner.


Happy Dinner

1 comment:

  1. Oldest son is in San Antonio right now, Lackland AFB, for officer training, (he normally is in CA at Edwards AFB)can you stop and give him a hug for us? Just ask for Zack. You must do the River Walk when you are in the area.
