How far south do you think you have to go to get warm weather? Or just warmer weather?
We left Red Bay, AL this morning with temps in the 30's and it is STILL raining. It's been raining for 3 weeks they say. So, we headed due south to a campground in Clanton, AL, about an hour south of Birmingham and it did warm up to the mid-40's. Still it rained, and rained and rained. We are in a very nice KOA campground and have cable TV so we turned on the weather. The prediction is for THREE INCHES of SLUSH by tomorrow morning!
We have no boots. We have no winter coats (though lots of things to layer on). I only brought 5 pairs of socks because I thought I'd be in sandals by now. Almost 800 miles from home and we're going to get slush. I'm thinking we'll be in Key West before we get sun and warm.
Meanwhile...on the "never stop learning" front...yesterday morning we met with the service people to go over the work that had been done and ask questions about things still not working. We have a bank of 3 florescent fixtures down the middle of the rig that operated with an "after market" remote that was here when Robin bought Chuck. Sometime last fall the lights stopped working. We had them fixed once at home and then they stopped working again. So they were on the repair list for the Tiffin service guys. According to the invoice, they had found a bad ground wire and fixed things, but we still couldn't get the lights to go on. So, as we were going over the list, we mentioned that and they sent a tech over to us in the rig to check it. He was a very nice, very young man. He knocked politely and we let him in and went into the long explanation of the working/non-working lights, the repair history in two states, etc. After listening he quietly asked, "Have you tried the switch?". We looked blankly at him, then at each other, then back at him. He took 4 steps, flipped a switch and all the lights immediately went on. He had the grace to not even smirk as he politely left Chuck. Yes, the switch has been there out in the open all along and we knew it was there but somehow had totally forgotten about it. *sigh*
So we're much smarter today, right?s We hooked up tonight, settled in, turned the thermostat to "heat" and waited for it to kick on. And waited, and waited. Starting to get really chilled and concerned that we were out of propane, I started running through possible fixes in my head.. Then, uh duh, we never turned the propane on when we arrived here. No fuel - no heat. With the turn of a valve - voila - heat. * double sigh* Beanie was very grateful.
So, no pictures of scenery of anything today. All is wet and grey. Instead, a photo of Beanie on the new rug in the rig. Good thing we brought him along or we'd have no photos at all.
After a crazy day at work, thanks for the laugh! I needed it :>) Amy